Services for the Bengali Community in Tower Hamlets
what the service offers
womens group
bengali language page
Who the service is for:
Bengali people who are concerned about their own drinking.
Concerned about their partner’s drinking or that of a relative or friend.
Couples and families who are concerned about the drinking of someone close to them.
For any one who wants to find out more about alcohol and it’s effects.
What the Service Offers:
A culturally sensitive service for the Bengali community.
Provides advice, information, health education and health promotion on alcohol related issues to increase awareness of specific health care needs.
Provides information on different treatment options, harm minimisation, coping strategies, brief intervention/counselling in Bengali for individuals couples families and carers to look at concerns, feelings and discuss choices.
Provides a safe place to talk in confidence about alcohol and health related issues.
Promotional and publicity materials are distributed through the information stalls at community festivals and health events.
Drop in; Advice & Information Surgeries
on issues related to Alcohol & Health are run on:
Thursdays 10.00 A.M -12.00 NOON at:
The Bengali Community Alcohol Worker runs an Asian Women’s group on Thursday 1.00 – 2.15 PM. at the above address. The regular health education sessions are offered and facilitated in Bengali/Sylheti and in English as required. The group is open to women from the Asian communities.Services are free and confidential.
For further details please contact.
Cage Questionnaire
Anyone that drinks alcohol on a regular basis knows what it’s like to do it in excess. These questions may give you an insight into your drinking. CAGE is a simple and rapid self-evaluation questionnaire, which anyone can use to evaluate their own alcohol consumption.
- Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking?
- Have people annoyed you by criticising your drinking?
- Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?
- Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover? (eye opener)
Item responses on the CAGE are scored 0 – 1 with a higher score an indicator of alcohol problems. A total score of 2 or greater is considered clinically significant.
You might also like to visit the website: Down Your Drink
This site run by Alcohol Concern provides a more comprehensive self-assessment drinking questionnaire as well as a six-week online programme for people who are worried about their drinking.
Alcohol Concern have also launched a website Hows Your Drink which you might find interesting.