Structured Day Programmes
Structured Drug Day Programme & Structured Alcohol Day Programme
- The Drug Day Programme offers two services one for people who are drug free and the other for people who are stabilised drug users.
- The Alcohol Day Programme offers two services one for people who are alcohol free and the other for people who are controlling their drinking.
- The Criminal Justice Day Programme offers access to the above day programmes and to a Pre-stable programme for service users on a DRR/DTTO. This programme offers testing twice weekly
Monday to Friday 9.30am – 5.30pm. A rolling programme that has no limits on a persons attendance – Keyworking following a Care-planned approach – Self or Third party referrals from Newham (Drug & Alcohol) or Redbridge (Alcohol Only) – Referrals taken from out-of-borough on agreement of funding. Tuesday evening aftercare group for service users who have ended their programme and are drug or alcohol free.
The programmes form a community-based rehabilitation that offers routine and focus on a daily basis. The Programmes incorporates a holistic approach to the service we offer. Therefore we provide Skills and Therapy groups alongside Complementary Therapies. The Skills and
Therapy groups are: An Introduction Group, Relapse Prevention, Coping Skills, Anger Management, Life Skills, Health Groups, Employment skills, Gender Specific Groups, Open Support Groups, Aftercare Groups, Computer Groups, Stress Management, Relationship Group. We also have a Blood Bourne Virus clinic held daily, housing support, and referral to employment services.
The Complementary Therapies are: Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Homeopathy, Relaxation and Pilates.
Workers can phone the same number to refer clients or to talk about the needs of their clients.
Information and advice for professionals, relatives and clients around alcohol issues
Initial assessment to diagnose problems
Weekly regular support
Reduction to safe levels
Harm minimisation
Home detoxification (provided client is suitable and GP agrees)
Referrals accepted from Newham and Tower Hamlets
A service for Tower Hamlets clients needing support following treatment or waiting to access services.
Assisting clients in maintaining changes in their drinking and who are concerned about possible relapse.
Help in contacting primary care, educational, housing, voluntary and statutory organisations, and employment agencies.