DASL Outreach Services

The following is not an exhaustive list of what DASL does but gives a broad range of the kinds of activities that we offer to try to engage the diverse communities we serve in East London;

  • The Bengali Alcohol Project provides services via the provision of a substance misuse drop-in surgery in Bethnal Green (Walter Newby Centre) and also the provision of a women’s group.
  • The Bengali residents of Mansell Street Estate in the City also receive support with a series of agreed health and substance misuse sessions.
  • DASL has developed the ‘Dazz-Elle’s Spikey’ safer drinking pack for young lesbians and bi-sexual women to support their safety when out and about. Contents include a mini-health booklet and fluorescent coloured Spikey drinks protector.
  • Partnership work with ‘Youth at Pride’ brunch event with has been supported by the Mayor of London for the first time.
  • ‘Girls Talk’ and ‘Girls Talk Plus’ brings a series of well thought out sessions specifically targeted at young Bengali girls to help them consider their thoughts about substance misuse and other related matters.
  • A project to work with young gay men who are using substances including alcohol.

Training & Education

Alcohol education for secondary schools.
Alcohol training for community groups and other professionals.

Alcohol Education for Primary and Secondary Schools

DASL has a very long tradition of providing the highest quality training for schools. We have worked closely with many primary and secondary schools and have formed many successful partnerships. It is our aim to work closely with the school’s own approach to drugs and alcohol and develop a series of lessons that best reflect the requirements of the National Curriculum and the Key Stages. We utilise a number of different learning strategies that seek to actively engage the pupils.

In essence, we seek to impart:

These three attributes best sum up our aims and objectives when conducting our sessions and form the basis of a pragmatic and rational approach to teaching young people about alcohol.